*Families have the ability to opt out of the directory and/or hide their information.
We are excited to announce that the 2024-25 Directory App is now available through DirectorySpot! If you are a NEW user, you have been set up and can download DirectorySpot for free from the App Store (iPhone users) or Google Play (Android users), or you can also access the data from the web.
If you have used DirectorySpot in the past, then you don’t need to do anything- this includes users from who used DirectorySpot through a different school. Just log in (same username and password) and you will see the new data. Please make sure you have the latest version of DirectorySpot to see the new features (check the app store for any “updates”).
For Smartphone Users:
1. Download the DirectorySpot app by going to your app store and searching "DirectorySpot" or by clicking on the appropriate link here: iPhone - http://goo.gl/5U2Tzq or Android - http://goo.gl/iBK9lY
2. Launch DirectorySpot, enter your email address as your Username, and click on "Reset Password."
3. Click on the link in your email to set your password, relaunch the DirectorySpot app, and login with your username and password.
For Tablet, Mac, or PC Users:
1. Go to www.directoryspot.net and click on "Login" in the upper right hand corner.
2. Enter your email address as your Username, and click on "Reset Password." An email will be sent to you with a link to set your password.
3. Click on the link in your email to set your password and login.
Note – if downloading to an iPad, just search for “iPhone apps” and you will find DirectorySpot.
Your profile starts with basic contact information (name, address, home phone, emails) from the Glen Rock School District Genesis system. You can change or expand the information that is shared (ex/add cell phone numbers). You get to choose what is shared with other users! You are in control of your profile and can change most of the information! But if you are stuck getting started, have a unique situation, etc, reach out for help to GRFedHSADirectory@gmail.com.
Participation in and access to the Glen Rock School Directory is a privilege and a responsibility of the families that are listed in it. The information contained in this directory is for the private use of the parents and students of Glen Rock. The information in this directory, including the names, addresses, phone numbers and emails of parents and children may NOT be reproduced or distributed in any other print or electronic media. This includes, but is not limited to: websites, newsletters, email and messages, nor may the information be given out to companies, businesses, nonprofit organizations or private individuals by telephone or through the mail (including email) without the express consent of the families contained herein. Persons that violate these rules may have their access to the directory terminated.
There are no paper versions of the directory. All information in the directory is easily available through the DirectorySpot.
Send any questions to GRFedHSADirectory@gmail.com
Copyright © 2025 Glen Rock Federated HSA - All Rights Reserved.